She's Special, Too!

A WebQuest for High School Social Studies

Designed by
Caroline Armstrong [email protected]
Amber Constant [email protected]
Matthew Elliott [email protected]

Madame CJ Walker

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


Though we sometimes study influential women in history, African American women are frequently forgotten.  Here you will discover and research some African American females you may have never heard of before. You are to choose someone from the preapproved list, then compose both a paper and a short presentation about her.  The purpose of this study is to acknowledge African American women and their achievements.

The Task
By working in pairs or individually, you will study one African American woman from the preapproved list.  After your research, you will present their accomplishments to the class,  you will create a timeline, and you will conclude your project with a short paper to relate your findings. 

The Process
To complete this task: 

1. Pair up with another student that you wish to work with. 

2. Choose a person from the list below: 

Marian Anderson, opera singer

Maya Angelou, writer

Grace Bumbry, opera singer 

Josephine Carson, entertainer and civil rights leader 
Dale Emeagwali, biologist
Evelyn Boyd Granville, first black woman to earn a Ph.D.

Zora Neale Hurston, folklorist, anthropologist, author

Shirley Ann Jackson, Physicist
Barabara Jordan, congresswomen and educator 
Ruth Ella Moore, bacteriologist
Toni Morrison, writer 

Madam C.J. Walker, first black female millionaire

3. Research your woman through the above links and gain a clear understanding of her life.  Look at her significant accomplishments both personally and professionally.  Gain a greater understanding of your woman's place in history.

4. Create a dual timeline: On the top half of the timeline, include significant events that were going on in the world at the time she lived. On the bottom half, create a timeline for her life. The purpose is to relate the significance of her accomplishments to the time she was alive

5. Create a 10 minute presentation based on your person's life.  You may split the time with your partner.  The focus of this should be to describe what made your particular female an outstanding person. Include dates of birth and death as well as dates of her professional accomplishments.  Relate the significance of her achievements to the class.  Any other interesting information you wish to share about the woman you chose in your presentation is welcome

6. Individually, write a paper that is 2 - 3 pages in length explaining your personal connection to your woman.  Do you have anything in common?  What motivated your woman to excel or what did she have to overcome?  Do you share the same things? What did you learn about your woman?  How significant are her accomplishments?

Equal rights!

This is how you will be graded.  Remember the time line and presentation are group grades and the paper is an individual grade.



Time line
Sloppy looking.  Includes less than 3 life and world events.
Fair looking. Includes 3 -5 world events and 3 -5 life events.
Neat looking.
Includes 5 - 7 life events and 5 - 7 world events. Includes relevant events.
Neat and professional looking.  Includes 7 - 10+ life events and 7 - 10+ world events. Includes relevant events.


Speech is unclear, no eye contact.  Poor knowledge of person's life.  Ideas are not communicated.
Performance lacks adequate speech and eye contact.  Fair knowledge of person's life.  Ideas are not communicated well.
Clear speech with eye contact.  Ideas are slightly unclear.  Thorough knowledge of highlights of person's life only.
Clear speech, eye contact.  Thorough knowledge of all areas of life.  Ideas are communicated well.


Length requirement was not met.  Requirements and examples were not evident.  Spelling and grammar mistakes detracted from paper.
Met length requirement. Did not meet all requirements. Sparse examples.  Major spelling and grammar mistakes.
Met length requirement.  Requirements and examples were not as thorough.  Slight spelling and grammar mistakes. 
Met length requirement.  Included all requirements and relevant examples.  Reads easily.  Spelling and grammar are correct.


This assignment is meant to bring greater understanding of the accomplishments of African American women in many different areas.  These women are sometimes forgotten and, by doing this assignment, we hope to both inspire others and eliminate stereotypes.  This will serve as a way to give these significant females recognition for their accomplishments. 

Credits & References

Pictures are from:, and

Last updated on May 7, 2002. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page