Road Trip through North Carolina
north carolina road sign

A WebQuest for 4th Grade 

Social Studies

Designed by

Annah Lord ([email protected]) and Haley Ferrell ([email protected])

 road map of nc

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


Pack your bags folks!  It is time for a road trip across our beautiful state, North Carolina.  
We will be venturing into the 3 regions of North Carolina and in those regions we will find famous people, interesting landscapes, and exciting history.

Put on those exploring caps and get out those maps!  You're in for a ride!


The Task

With your group, your task is to plan a tour of North Carolina which includes all three regions - Piedmont, Coastal Plains, and Mountains. 

In each region, your job is to find:

  1. Information on the history of the region or a significant historical place.
  2. An important or interesting person who was born in this region or lived in this area of North Carolina.
  3. Information on the geography of the region.
  4. A route for your road trip.
With this information, your group will create an informative, interesting, and attractive poster advertising your road trip route.  The poster will include pictures and graphics and the information you discovered about each region.  Each group member will write an individual essay comparing and contrasting two regions of your choice.  

The Process

A.  Research
In each region, each member of the group will take on a different job for each region and take notes on their findings in their own travel journal.  Click here to download your travel journal.  Each member will print their travel journal to log their findings.  

The jobs are:

Cherokee woman

Historian - Using the resources provided, the historian finds out about how life in the region has changed over time.  Describe one important event that influenced the history of North Carolina and how it is important for today.  

Virginia Dare
Biographer - Using the resouces provided, the biographer finds out about important people in the region.  Choose one person and describe where or when that person lived in North Carolina.   Also find out why that person is important to North Carolina or the United States.  

Mt. MitchellGeographer - Using the resources provided, the geographer finds out the landforms and geographical sites found in the region.  Choose one site that you would like to visit, tell why and describe it.  

Resources for each job are found here.

B. Create a Poster
You are a travel agency!  Your group will collect all of the information found and create a poster advertising your road trip and trying to get others to take your road trip.

1.  Each group member takes his or her notes and compiles them into a short paragraph of about 3-5 sentences using their own words.  Make sure you include all of the information included in your job!  (Each group member should have three paragraphs: one historian, one biographer, and one geographer.)

2.  As a group, create a poster using pictures and graphics AND the paragraphs written on the information researched by each group member.  Design the poster so that it is attractive and easy to read.  Poster paper will be given to you by the teacher.

3.  Each group,or travel agency, will then present their poster to the entire class.  

C.  Write an essay
Each group member will then write an essay – individually – of 3-5 paragraphs describing where you would like to live.  Make sure to give reasons why.  

fraser fir


Essay Rubric

Poster Rubric


On this road trip, you have learned about the three regions of North Carolina - the Coastal Plains, the Piedmont, and the Mountains.  You have learned about the people, the land, the history, and interesting places to visit.  What a wonderful state we live in!

Credits & References

Thank you to creators of "Road Trip through Illinois," a WebQuest found at  A big thanks to our mothers and God.  We could not have done this without you!

And to John Spagnolo - this is for you!

Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page