Pumpkin Patch
WebQuest for Kindergarten
Designed by
Jessica Johnson
[email protected]
Emily Triolo
[email protected]
Hope Winecoff
[email protected]
Introduction | Task
| Process | Evaluation
| Conclusion | Credits
| Teacher Page
Hooray!! It is the
fall season and time for harvest. You and your classmates run the local
pumpkin patch and are in charge of growing and harvesting the pumpkins.
It is your job to grow the plumpliest, dumpliest pumpkins in the town.

The Task
To be a great pumpkin farmer
you will need to:
the book Pumpkin Pumpkin, by Jeanne Titherington.
how pumpkins grow.
out how many seeds are in a pumpkin.
your own pumpkin.
The Process
Task one
a class read the book Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington. Look
how Jamie's little seed grows into a big pumpkin! Click on the picture
of the book with your teacher to more more about it.

Task Two
Growing pumpkins is a hard
job. It takes a lot of time and care from a farmer. With your class talk
about all the things pumpkins need to grow. Create a book about the steps
of pumpkin growth. Click on the picture below to find a booklet worksheet.

Task Three
Guess the number
of seeds that are in a pumpkin. With your teacher and classmates, cut open
a pumpkin. Dig out all the seeds from inside the pumpkin. Count the seeds
to see if your guess was right.Keep your findings on a tally sheet to see
how close your guess was! Click on the pumpkin below for the tally

Task Four
Now that you've
learned all about pumpkins lets do some art work. Click on the pictures
below for fun activities.
The teacher or parent will
give each student their own grade on each task they perform. The highest
number of points you can get from each task is 4 and the lowest is 1. The
higher your total points reach, the better grade you will earn. Try your
best at each task to get all the points. The highest grade is 16!
Good Luck Pumpkin Farmers!

1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Score |
Read the book
Pumpkin Pumpkin
by Jeanne
with classmates
and teacher. |
Did not pay
attention to the reading of the book
Was somewhat
attentive to the book, and has some basic ideas of pumpkin growth
Was attentive
to the book and has an understanding of pumpkin growth
Was very attentive
to the book and can explain the stages of pumpkin growth
With the class
and teacher discuss pumpkin growth, and make a booklet of each stage of
Did not pay
very much attention to the teacher, and has not completed the pumpkin growth
Listened to
the discussion, and has made some progress on the pumpkin growth booklet
Was a very good
listener, and gave some input in the discussion, the pumpkin growth booklet
is completed.
Listened and
fully participated in the class discussion, and has developed a creative
and informative pumpkin growth booklet.
With your classmates
guess the number of seeds are in your pumpkin. Then put the results on
the tally sheet. |
Student took
very little part in the cutting and counting of the pumpkin seeds.Student
has not completed the tally sheet.
Student worked
well with others and participated some in the cutting and counting of the
pumpkin seed. Tally sheet is almost complete
Student worked
very well with others, and participated well in the cutting and counting
of the pumpkin seeds.Tally sheet is complete and correct.
Student worked
excellent with others,and particiapted fully in the cutting and counting
of the pumpkin seeds.The tally sheet is complete and correct.
Create your
own pumpkins with the online artwork.
Student did
very little artwork on the computer.
Student worked
with the online artwork, and made some creative pumpkin artwork.
Student worked
successfully with each online artwork task, and made some creative pumpkins
Student mastered
the online pumpkin artwork and tried each task more than once
By completing these activities you have learned the skills needed to become
a successful pumpkin farmer. To learn even more about pumpkins and
how they grow click on the website below.

Credits &
Jeanne.Pumpkin, Pumpkin.
Last updated
on August 15, 1999. Based on
a template from The
WebQuest Page