After you pick your character and stages of the revolution, begin looking at the websites under each stage. Once you have collected enough information, you may begin writing your narrative. It should include:
1. An introduction to your character. Give this person a name and background information. If you decide to write from the group perspective, give background information of the group (ex: where they came from, polticial ideology, past history, etc).
2. Provide history of the stages of the revolution you choose. This means that while you write about your character you want to place the individual or the group within historical events (ex: You pick Timmy the peasant who witnesses the Storming of the Bastille. He participates in the demonstration. Tell what he is thinking. Tell what he does, and why. Tell how he feels, and how the events affect him.); be sure to base your narrative on historical fact.
3. You do not need to include every event within every stage. This is your narrative. Only include events that your character would have been part of. Include events that interest you. If you pick a major character of the revolution, like Robespierre, you will need to determine which events you want to write about. You might choose to include Robespierre's Committee of Public Safety, but decide not to include his trial and beheading.
4. This narrative should be at least 4 pages in length. Use a word processor, and type in 12 pt. font. Be sure to double space, and include your name and class period at the top of the page. A cover page, though not required, will improve the aesthetic quality of your narrative.
5. Though you do not have to cite within the narrative itself, you must include a works cited page, using MLA format. If you are unfamiliar with this format, refer to the MLA page. BE SURE TO CITE ALL WEBSITES THAT YOU USE IN THIS NARRATIVE. IMPROPER CITATION WILL RESULT IN A LOWER GRADE.
6. Your narrative will be due one week after you receive this assignment.