A WebQuest for Grades 9-12 (Mathematics)
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Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits Pythagoras of Samos, the first pure mathematician, did a lot more than discovering the Pythagorean Theorem. Since Pythagoras was incredibly secretive, we know very little about his works. He was taught mainly by three philosophers, Pherekydes, Thales, and Anaximander. It was the latter of these three that introduced Pythagoras to mathematics. Pythagoras' influence makes him an important figure in mathematics history. Therefore, it is imperative to understand his many contributions to the field of mathematics. This webquest is designed for you to discover more about
the life and career of Pythagoras. The ultimate goal of this project
is for you to come away with an understanding of the beginnings of mathematics.
The Task In order to complete this project you must:
The Process In groups of three (you may work with less than three), you will be working on problems influenced and discovered by Pythagoras. There are 7 tasks all together. In each one you will first go to one of Pythagoras's theorems. Then, you will be asked to solve a mathematical problem relating to this theorem. Since some of these ideas may be a little confusing, you may find other sources to help you (such as your teacher, textbooks, or internet sites). Remember to keep your problems separate and show all of your work. It is important that you keep your project organized.
Conclusion Looking back on this assignment we hope that you feel
more comfortable with Pythagoras' theorems. You should have gained
more background knowledge and respect for the field of math through your
studies of Pythagoras. As you continue on in math, hopefully you
will notice the integration of the theorems you studied in this project.
Good luck in your future mathematical endeavors.
Credits & References http://regentsprep.org/regents/math/poly/lpoly1.htm