Dear Mr. Santa Claus:

A WebQuest for Keyboarding

Designed by

Jennifer Holman
Stephanie Spencer

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


Assume the role of a fictional character (anyone of your choice).  Characters can include Little Bo Peep, Wilbur from Charlotte's Web,  Tom Sawyer, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, etc.  Write a personal business letter to Santa Claus requesting gifts appropriate for the chosen character. Please make sure to request gifts for two other characters as well.

Remember to check your spelling and grammar usage so Santa won't think you have been naughty!

The Task

Modeling the block style business letter format, students will write letters that will be sent via the Internet to Santa Claus.  All gift requests must be based on the personalities of the characters you are role-playing.

Your letter must include the following:

  • Proper block letter formatting, including acceptable margins, spacing, and indentations.
  • Suitable gift requests for the fictional character you are role-playing.
  • Appropriate gift requests for two of your fictional friends.

Upon completion of the letter, it will be sent to Santa Claus.  Santa should respond to your letter in two to three days.

The Process

In this lesson we will obtain additional practice in the block  style of personal business letter.  We will demonstrate the correct block style formatting structure. Remember that Santa will be reading these letters, so make sure to use correct grammar.  Also make sure to convince Santa that the characters you chose need these gifts.

  • Determine the fictional character you would like to role play for this assignment.  If you are having trouble deciding on a character, feel free to review some of your favorite nursery rhymes.
  • Begin composing your letter addressed to Santa Claus, using the block style format.  You will need to create addresses for both your character and Santa Claus.
  • For better organization you can use a web, graph or flow chart to help gather your thoughts.
  • The letter should be at least one page in length, but no longer than two.
  • The letter should contain correct spacing, indentations, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Upon completion, the letter should be printed out, and then turned in to be graded.  In addition, the letter should be forwarded to Santa Claus at the North Pole using the following link:
  • Click on the elf  to send your letter to Santa!
    • Be sure to look for a response from Santa by using the above link, in two or three days.
    • Print out the letter Santa sends you and turn it in as well. 
    • Just for fun, if you complete your assignment before the end of class, please e-mail a Holiday Card to one of your friends in the class. 
    • Finally, after you have successfully completed all of the parts of your assignment, feel free to play some online Seasonal Games.


    Happy Holidays!

    Acceptable (+2)
    Needs Improvement (+1)
    Work Ethic
    Used class time to maximum efficiency
    Used class time effectively
    Did not use class time wisely
    Handed in on time
    Handed in on time = +3 points
    Handed in late
    Proper Block Style Formatting was used; appropriate margins; appropriate spacing between parts of the letter
    Used Modified Block or Simplified Style; appropriate margins; appropriate spacing between parts of the letter
    No consistent format used; inappropriate margins; inappropriate spacing between parts of the letter
    Provided creative, appropriate gift requests for your character; included creative, appropriate gift requests for two other fictional characters
    Provided creative, appropriate gift requests for your character; included creative, appropriate gift requests for one other fictional character
    Included appropriate gift requests for your character
    No errors
    One or more minor errors
    One or major errors
    No errors
    One or more minor errors
    One or more major errors
    30 pts. 
    A+ = 30 
    A = 28 - 29 
    A- = 27 
    B+ = 26 
    B   = 24 - 25 
    B-  = 23 
    C+ = 22 
    C   = 20 - 21 
    C-  = 19 
    D+ = 18 
    D   = 16 - 17 
    D-  = 15 


    In this lesson we have reviewed and obtained additional practice in the block style of business letter by composing a letter to Santa Claus.  Santa also should have replied back to your letter.  We have also spread some Holiday Cheer by sending a friend an e-Card and by playing some fun Holiday computer games online.  Have a happy holiday season!

    Credits & References

    WebQuest graphics were provided by :

    Thanks to for providing so many  interesting lesson plan ideas.

    Thanks also to the following websites that are an integral part of our WebQuest:

    The Mother Goose Pages
    The Writer's Handbook


    Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page