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.Eating Disorders.
. A Web Quest for 8th Graders .

Designed by
Chris Cooper ([email protected])
Kim Makosky ([email protected])


Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


  Congratulations! You and your group have been selected to become the newest members in the fight against eating disorders.

Your Mission: Educate yourselves enough about eating disorders to educate     others.

Your Goal: Compile your findings into a variety of informative sources.

The Task

Your group will use  provided internet sources to research and educate yourselves about eating disorders.  During the course of your mission you will:

  • become an expert about eating disorders
  • create an informative brochure about eating disorders
  • Present your findings to a 6th grade Healthful Living class by utilizing, Power Point, Role Play, and other media sources. This will be your final project. (More Details to Come Later)

The Process

Now that you have accepted your mission, lets begin basic training.

 You will use the  provided internet sources to gather information. Select a recorder to record each site that you visit. If you select information from a site to use in your mission, please note the URL of the site for future reference. Everyone on your team should take notes about the information collected. Here are the internet sources that are approved for your mission.

Internet Sources:

1. Keep important notes on all activities done during this assignment. Include research, student questions, and important organization's contact information.

2.  Use the information found in your research on eating disorders to respond to the following questions:

  • What is an eating disorder?
  • What are the different types of eating disorders? 
  • What are the characteristics of each eating disorder?
  • What are some warning signs of eating disorders?
  • What causes eating disorders?
  • Can eating disorders be treated?
  • What are some dangers of eating disorders?
  • How can you help a person who has an eating disorder?
3. While recording your notes, brainstorm the facts and points that you intend to use in your informative brochure and your Power Point presentation.

4. Analyze current and past trends of body image advertising  in the media and answer the following:

 Tips to Become a Critical Viewer of the Media

 The Media, Body Image and Eating Disorders

Application Questions:

  • Do you think that the images potrayed in the media are accurate?
  • What are some ways advertisements can deceive consumers?



    -Find at least 10 photographs of  men and women in advertisements in fashion magazines and use these pictures to talk about the images of men and women presented by the media. How much do the models in the pictures look like people you know? Place your photographs in a book that your group creates from construction paper. Below each photograph answer the following questions:

  • How are these images different from what you see in real life?
  • How could the media make these photographs seem more realistic? 
  • What do you think the media is trying to say through the photograph?

  • (Your teacher will provide all needed materials to complete this project. Once your group finds 10 photographs, get them approved by your teacher, and then your booklet materials will be given to you.)

5.  Now that you have done your research, take what you have found about eating disorders and create an informative brochure.  Your brochure should include the information you recovered in question 2. Make sure that your brochure is colorful, and contains pictures.

Goal Preparation

-Now that you have completed basic training, Let's start working on your presentation.
Your power point presentation should include:

  •  What you learned in Basic Training
  • at least 11 slides including:

  • -a title page listing the names of your group members and a catchy title
    -a reference page including were you found all of your information
    -graphics, sounds and motion
  • brochures for every student
  • a role play scenario
  • visual aid



    BE CREATIVE! This is a chance for your group to prove what you have learned!!!

-Reminder:  Sign up with your teacher for a time to practice your presentation. Don't Forget..... Practice Makes Perfect!


Poor Performance


You Can Do Better


Good Job




 -Becoming   An Expert (group internet research)
  • Less than 5 questions thoroughly completed
  • Accurate notes not kept
  • Sources not cited
  • Group not on task.
  • 5-7 questions thoroughly completed
  • Accurate notes not kept
  • Sources not correctly cited
  • Group somewhat on task.
  • All questions thoroughly completed
  • Accurate Notes kept
  • Sources not correctly cited
  • Group works well together and is somewhat on task.
  • All questions thoroughly completed
  • Accurate notes kept
  • Sources Correctly CIted
  • Group works well together and stays on task.


  • Answers some of the questions from basic training.
  • Sources used are not cited.
  • Doesn't have any colorful appeal.
  • Not organized what so ever.
  • Answers the questions.
  • Sources not cited correctly.
  • Uses color, but does not include pictures.
  • Somewhat organized.
  • Answers all the questions researched in basic training.
  • Has sources used cited.
  • Uses some pictures in brochure, but not very colorful.
  • Has everything in order.
  • Answers all questions thoroughly researched in basic training.
  • Has all sources used cited correctly.
  • Includes colorful images and is appealing.
  • Neatly presented.
-Body Image Analysis


  • Application questions not completed
  • Activity book contains less than 10 photographs.
  • Not all photographs have completed questions
  • Activity book unorganized. 
  • Application questions completed
  • Activity book contains less than 10 photographs
  • Not all photographs have completed questions
  • Activity book needs work.
  • Application questions completed.
  • Activity book contains 10 photographs
  • Not all photographs  have completed questions
  • Activity book neatly organized 
  • Application questions thoroughly completed
  • Activity book contains 10 photographs.
  • Each photograph has completed questions
  • Activity book neatly organized
  • Has less than the required number of slides.
  • Questions from basic training are not all answered.
  • Sources used are not cited.
  • Does not contain any of the other requirements (sound, motion, graphics, visual aid, role play scenario)
  • The presentation does not flow (group members did not practice)
  • Has the required number of slides.
  • Not all questions from basic training are answered.
  • Not all sources were cited and the ones that were, were done incorrectly.
  • All requirement were not met (sound, motion, graphics, visual aid, role play scenario)
  • Could have used some more practice.
  • Has the required number of slides.
  • Questions from basic training are answered.
  • Sources are included but are incorrectly cited.
  • Is appealing, but not all requirements were met (sound, motion, graphics, visual aid, role play scenario)
  • Flows well.
  • Contains more than the required 11 slides.
  • All questions answered thoroughly from basic training.
  • Sources used are cited correctly.
  • Is appealing.
  • Contains sound, motion and graphics.
  • Good use of visual aid.
  • Excellent role play scenario.
  • Flows very well (obviously practiced)
-Group Evaluation
  • Group members did not work well together
  • Not all group members attended practice session
  • Group members had a hard time staying on task
  • All group members worked moderately well together
  • Not all group members attended practice session
  • Group members not always on task.
  • All group members worked well together
  • All group members attended practice session
  • Group members not always on task.
  • All Group Members worked well together
  • All group members attend practice session
  • All group members stayed on task

  • Conclusion

    Through this web quest, you and your group members should have a better understanding of what an eating disorder is and how you can help someone with an eating disorder.  By completing this web quest, you have expanded your knowledge on the topic of eating disorders and have learned new and interesting facts that you did not know before.  By working through this project you should also have a healthier perspective of your body image. 
    Congratulations on completing your mission. You did a great job! 

    Credits & References

    Here are some sources that may provide important information that you can use to help research the different eating disorders and body image.

    Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The Web Quest Page