Henry VIII

A WebQuest for 11th Grade World History

Designed by

Krista Deveney


Jenny Phillips

Product of RE 4630 at Appalachian State University


Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


The year is 2002, and you need explore the life of Henry VIII and his wives.  Once you have learned as much as you can about this aspect of his life, you will embark on this endeavor.   Imagine yourself as the chair of the Oxford Scholarship Committee.  Establish a proposal to the rest of the committee as to which wife that a new scholarship should be named after.  Included in your proposal you need need to state which wife was most important to Henry VIII and why; what amount of money will be given to the student who wins this scholarship;  the criteria for the scholarship (based on the life of the wife you have chosen); and the purpose for establishing this scholarship. 

The Task
Design a scholarship proposal in memory of one of Henry VIII wives.  You must be able to defend why you have chosen this wife (a brief summary may be helpful).  The specifications of the scholarship must be stated clearly.  Make sure you also state the purpose of the scholarship in detail.  You will be using a variety of web sites to determine which of the wives you think is most important to the establishment of your proposal.  Students will need to use a Microsoft word processor or other Microsoft product to present the proposal to the board (the teacher). 

The Process
To accomplish this task students will be working in small groups. The groups should contain no more than three people.

Step 1

Research each of Henry VIII wives.  Use the web sites established for you in order to do so. Each groups should turn in a report on which web sites they looked at and what they found out.

Wife Research

Catherine of Aragon

Anne Boleyn

Jane Seymour 

Anne of Cleves

Kathryn Howard

Katherine Par
Step 2

Chose a wife for which to establish the scholarship.  Base your choice on the information you found on the web sites (minimum 3).  Search the Internet using a web browser for other web sites on the person you have chosen to gain more knowledge about her.  Again, each groups should hand in a list of web sites they looked at, and an overview of that site.
Step 3
Using different technology, write your proposal.  In your proposal you will need to include:
  • The purpose of establishing the scholarship
  • The reason behind choosing this wife and why she was important in her time 
  • The logistics of the scholarship (amount of money to be awarded, the criteria for winning the scholarship based on the life of the wife chosen)

The proposal should be written using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint, or other types of technology.  Remember, you will be presenting your proposal to the counsel (the teacher).

Step 4

Present your proposal to the counsel.  Your presentation should be five to ten minutes, and everyone in the group needs to speak. 

Students will be evaluated according to the following chart.  There will be both a teacher evaluation on the students as well as a peer evaluation.








Student's Research on Henry VIII Wives


Students have looked at 1 of the 3 sites listed, and gave basic information found on this site.
Students examined 2 of the 3 sites listed, and gave basic information on what they have found.
Students examined all sites listed, gave basic information on what they found.
Students examined all sites with an in depth overview of each.
Student individual web research of other sites not given by the teacher.
Students have not looked at any additional information.
Students looked at 1 other source and gave basic information on it. 
Students looked at 2 other sources and gave basic information on it.
Students examined all sources and gave an in-depth overview of each.
Writing the Proposal


All facets are not included.
All facets included, but weakly supported.
All facets included and given adequate support.
All facets included with highly researched support.


Students used only lecture to present their proposal.  Everyone was not involved.
Students used lecture and one weak visual in their presentation.  Everyone was not involved.
Students used lecture and good visuals, as well as everyone was included.  The group was fairly organized.
Students used lecture, visuals, and technology. Everyone was included.  The group was well organized.
Peer Evaluation
Group members did not give good evaluation.
Group members gave below average evaluation.
Group members gave adequate evaluation.
Group members gave great evaluation.

In Henry VIII's lifetime, he had many wives.  From doing this WebQuest you should have a better understanding of who Henry's wives were and how they impacted English society.  How did this project impact your thoughts and ideals on Henry VIII?  Why do you think I had you study the wives in this manner?

Credits & References

Thank you to the following Web Sites for helping make this WebQuest possible:

The Six Wives of Henry VIII
The Six Wives of Henry VIII Part II
Encyclopedia Britannia

Last updated on May 1, 2002. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page