In this activity, you will be analyzing
data about water quality in your
area. This is a very big
issue because water is needed by all living
things to survive. Many water
sources, including those in your area,
have been polluted by human and
animal activities. In this lesson, you
will work in a small group to learn
about the various types of water
pollution. These pollutants
*High or Low pH
*Water Hardness (levels of Ca and
*Low Oxygen Content
*Heavy Metals or Radioactive Materials
*Pathogenic Organisms.
You and your group will learn about
these common types of pollutants
and where they come from.
Then, you will look at one of the major
rivers in North Carolina to find
out if it is clean or polluted. You will then
create a map of your river and
plot points of problem areas. Your group
will then present this information
to the town council (played by your
classmates) using a multi-media
software such as Microsoft