Bad Day A WebQuest for 3rd
Kim Bentley
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits Have
you ever had a terrible, horrible day like Alexander? How did you
feel on that day, and what did you do about it? When you have a bad
day, where's your favorite place to go? We hope that these activities
help you have a "wonderful, spectacular, terrific, very good day!"
This webquest will guide you on a journey into Alexander's world. As you complete the steps of the process you will create your own Alexander portfolio. Through these activities you will
wanted to go to Australia to escape his terrible day. Sydney is Australia's
largest city. Find it on this map. How would Alexander
travel from our state to get there? Could he travel by car?
By train? By boat or airplane?
Please read all the directions before beginning!
you think you know what it is? Be sure to write your guess on theDidgeridoo
page in your Alexander Portfolio,
here to see if you're correct.
After visiting this site, in the Didgeridoo section of your Portfolio write a paragraph describing what you saw and heard. Remember to include some facts that you learned while reading about the didgeridoo.
Did you know that Judith Viorst, the author
of the Alexander books, is also a poet? In this step, we are going
to explore some of the poems that she has written and then you'll write
some poetry of your own!
1. Cick on the titles below to read
some of Judith Viorst's poems.
Maybe Sixteen Things to Worry About
2. Next, you and your partner are going
to write your own poem, modeled after "Fifteen, Maybe Sixteen Things to
Worry About". In this poem, you, like Judith Viorst, will list things
that you hope will never happen to you. Click here
for the poem starter. This poem will be a part of your Alexander
Step 4 - Turning Bad Feelings into Good When
You Have a Terrible, Horrible,
Directions: Read these hints for ideas on how to cheer yourself up. l. Listen to a funny song with a zippy beat, such as Roger Miller's "You Can't Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd." If you do not have a copy of the song, just read the words. They help us feel better. You can't roller skate in a buffalo
You can't take a shower in a parakeet cage
You can't go fishin' in a watermelon
Or you can listen to your own favorite song. 2. Read some good jokes. Click on the link provided below. 3. Hug a dog or puppy. Hug your own if you have one. Nothing makes us feel better like the happy tail-wagging pooch in our lives. But if you have no dog, try your cat or hamster. If you have a friendship with a neighborhood dog, try loving him. 4. Do a good deed for someone today. Being good to someone else always makes us feel better. If you don't have an idea of what you can do, consider one of these. A. Hold the door open for someone else
to pass through.
5. Think of five good things that have happened today to balance out the negative events of your day. Make a list of them and keep the list in your pocket. 6. Consider some really terrible things that did not happen to you today but that would have been too awful if they had occurred. Below are some examples. You could add your own. A. The girl (or boy) of your dreams
saw you picking your nose in class.
7. Tell your mom about your bad day. Moms almost always respond to such terrible news with a hug, a warm cookie, or a wise saying. 8. Go out and run, ride a bike, race your dog, dribble the basketball. Exercise usually makes you feel better. Do not try to shoot the basketball. That could make you feel even worse if you have an off day and miss all the baskets. 9. Look at your little brother (or sister) and note his many imperfections (bad points or qualitites). That ought to make you feel better. 10. If all else fails, eat something chocolate. Chocolate can call forth the feel-good hormones in your brain. Draw
and color a picture of yourself on a day or in a place when you feel really
happy. Place this picture in your Alexander Portfolio.
Place a check mark in the column which best
describes your work on each activity.
Check your portfolio to make sure all of your work is included. When you're finished turn your portfolio in to your teacher. Congratulations!
Thanks to Finish Line and Foot Locker online for shoe graphics. Thank you to all other websites linked in this Webquest. Thanks, too, to Dr. Gary Moorman for all his help.