
                     Step 1: Print out the evaluation form, for the appropriate amount  of fat, calorie, and carbohydrates for kids.

Step 2: Read the articles that discuss each of these and fill out the appropriate amount evaluation form.


                     Step 3: Read the article on school lunches and ways to improve them. Take notes on the note taking form.

                     Step 4: Look at the 5 different food guides and decide how the fall in terms of fat, calorie and carbs. Are they high in fat or low, high in calorie or low, and etc? EVALUATE!


                     Step 5: Create your quick reference guide. Make sure it contains all of your notes, and evaluation forms.

                     Step 6: Put copies of all of your forms into your folder.

                     Step 7: Congratulations you are finished with your half of the project, rejoin the rest of your group and create a new menu.