Up Coming Field Trip May 14, 2005
Dear Parents,
On May 14, 2005 all of the fourth graders will be taking a field trip to the barrier islands
to visit the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, the Wright Brothers Memorial, and the Graveyard
of the Atlantic Museum. The students have been learning about the coastal region of North
Carolina in Social Studies class and we as fourth grade teachers felt it would be fun and
educational for the children to visit the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, see where the first flight
took place, and to see why the Outer Banks are called the "Graveyard of the Atlantic". The cost of
the trip is only $22 per student for gas and rental of the buses because all the attractions are free for
school groups. A school lunch will be provided for each student however if they wish they may bring
their own bagged lunch. Below is a tentative schedule for our trip!!!! A final copy will be sent home with
the students a few days before our trip!
Schedule for the Day
8:00- Leave School
9:00- Arrive at The Wright Brothers Memorial
11:00- Leave for Cape Hatteras National Seashore
11:30- Tour begins at Cape Hatter with lunch at the picnic area
2:00- Leave for "Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum"
2:30- Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum tour
3:45- Leave for trip home
5:00- Arrive back at school! Please pick your child up at the bus parking lot!
We are looking forward to an amazing trip!
Erika Morris