Supply and Wish List!

School Supplies
A box of Tissues
1 box of crayons
2 pocket folder
1 Box of #2 Pencils to be shared with the class
Glue sticks (4 Preferred)
2 composition books
2 inch notebook
1 inch notebook with plastic cover
Colorful dry erase markers
Pencil box
Clorox wipes (they must be Clorox due to OSHA regulations)
1 pair of scissors
Pencil Top Erasers
· Ziploc baggies (Please purchase based on first initial of last name)
A-N: 1 box each of gallon size baggies (freezer bags work best)
O-Z: 1 box each quart size baggies (freezer bags work best)

Wish List

(These items are not required but would be greatly appreciated at any time during the school year.)


Plastic Sleeve Protectors
Puzzles (100 pieces or less please)
Board Games for Rainy and Cold Days
Colorful Sharpie Markers
Plastic Bins (shoebox size with lids)
Stickers and Small toys for treasure chest
Books of all kinds