For the Teacher
Alignment to NCDPI Standards for Language Arts Curriculum for Third Grade: COMPETENCY GOAL 2 The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed. Objectives 2.01 Use metacognitive strategies to comprehend text (e.g., reread, read ahead, ask for help, adjust reading speed, question, paraphrase, retell). 2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, or viewing by:
2.03 Read a variety of texts, including:
2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by referencing the text to determine the:
2.05 Draw conclusions, make generalizations, and gather support by referencing the text. 2.06 Summarize main idea(s) from written or spoken texts using succinct language. 2.07 Explain choice of reading materials congruent with purposes (e.g., solving problems, making decisions). 2.08 Listen actively by:
COMPETENCY GOAL 3 The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. Objectives 3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by:
NC Standard Course of Study for English Language Arts in the Third Grade
Alignment to NCDPI Standards for Computer/Technology Skills for Third Grade: Competency Goal 2: The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies. 2.01 Select and use appropriate features and functions of hardware and software for class assignments. (1) 2.07 Demonstrate correct finger placement for home row keys. (4) Competency Goal 3: The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information. 3.03 Use word processing as a tool to write, edit, and publish sentences, paragraphs, and stories. For more information visit: NC Standard Course of Study for Computer/Technology Skills in the Third Grade
Modifications for Advanced Learners:
Questions you can ask:
Keep in mind:
This page was created for CI 3750 at Appalachian State University by Brandon Shivers ([email protected]), Emily Dagenhardt ([email protected]), Rebecca Church ([email protected]), Cortnie Smith ([email protected]), and Leslye Drennan (
[email protected]). |