Category |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Good research and writing |
Information is accurate, written in own words (not copied from another source) and includes interesting details. |
The information is accurate, and written in own words. |
Some of the information is not accurate and/or was copied from another source. |
Much of the information is not accurate and/or was copied from another source. |
Grammar, spelling, capitalization |
The grammar, spelling and capitalization are correct and sentence structure is varied. |
The grammar is correct and there are no spelling and capitalization errors in the postcard. |
Some of the grammar is not correct and/or there are a few spelling and capitalization mistakes. |
There are many grammar errors and/or many capitalization and spelling errors. |
Overall presentation |
The overall appearence is exceptionally attractive and interesting, including the design, neatness and layout. |
The overall appearence is attractive, including the design, neatness and layout. |
The overall appearence is fairly attractive but some parts are messy or poorly designed. |
The posteris messy and/or the design and layout are not attractive. |
Graphics - relevant and interesting |
Graphics or drawings are attractive and interesting, relate to the topic, and add to the wrtten information. |
Graphics or drawings are nice and relate to the written topic. |
Some of the graphics or drawings are not well chosen and do not relate well to the written topic. |
Many of the graphics or drawings do not relate to the topic discussed and/or are unclear or unattractive. |
Group participation |
Completed individual assigned role, and provided many contributions to the final group product. |
Completed individual assigned role, and contributed equally to the final group product. |
Completed most of the assigned role and made some contributions to the final group product. |
Much of the work of the assigned role was incomplete, and there was little contribution to the group effort. |