A WebQuest for all Grades (Language Arts) Designed by Valerie
Lynch and Pam Oliver
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page
Introduction This webquest will enable you to explore the
worlds of Audrey and Don Wood, a dynamite pair of writers and illustrators.
You will visit their websites, glance through their numerous books, and
learn about what makes them unique. In addition, you will engage
in a short scavenger hunt where you will be searching the websites and
using the Woods' books to answer your given questions. After you
complete your part, you must find someone with the missing pieces to your
puzzle to win!
The Task You will be embarking on a journey through the Woods' websites and their books to piece together their lives, unique qualities, current status as writers/illustrators, and the development of the art and writing styles of this pair. You will have a specific job. There are four jobs for this webquest: BIOGRAPHER, BOOKKEEPER, SEEKER OF THE UNIQUE, and the DEVELOPER.
The Process
Evaluation Your
group will be evaluated upon your successful completion of the puzzle.
Conclusion Congratulations! You have successfully completed the webquest "THE PUZZLED WOOD"! You have searched websites, examined books, and worked in cooperative jigsaw groups to learn all you can about Audrey and Don Wood. If you have more interest in the Woods and their books, you can click on the additional links below.
Credits & References We would like to thank Audrey Wood for emailing us and updating us on her current status. We are anxiously awaiting the new Christmas book! Feel free to browse the following websites
for options of buying the Woods' books and for more fun information on
Audrey and Don Wood!
http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/results.asp?AUD=JUV&kids=y&grade=ALL&WRD=Audrey+and+Don+Wood&userid=6UO5NN751M |