After completing your folktale and submitting it to the Gods, you continue on your journey. Everything is going smoothly until you come to a thick mass of vines and trees, which block your path. You try to use your machete to cut through, but to no avail. The Gods tell you that they will help you get through, but first you must complete another task.
The Gods are trying to decide which pre-independence Brazilian author to honor in a ceremony. They want you to do some research to help them decide.
1. First, visit the following websites to read about pre-independence literature and the authors who created it.
2. From the information you receive from the websites, choose one pre-independence author who grabs your attention. Your job now is to prepare a report for the Gods on this author. In thie report you will explain to the Gods why you believe this author should be honored. Some things you might want to consider in your report:
is the author’s contribution to Brazilian literature as a whole?
During their own time?
the author write essays? Epic Poetry? Romantic Poetry?
about this author appeals to you or stands out most?
In addition to your internet research, make
sure to check out your local library to find a larger variety of information
on the author of your choice (the more detailed the paper, the better).
It is also extremely important to focus on and mention a particular piece
of literature that exemplifies the author’s importance; make sure to mention
this particular work within your report. REMEMBER! Your
job is to write a report that will persuade the Gods as to why your author
should be honored by them. Your survival depends on it!