Artifacts to be Turned in

At the end of your class’s unit on Cold Mountain, your clan will be asked to assemble and turn in the work that your clan completed to be evaluated by your guide.  Your artifacts will be evaluated using the rubric found on the main page of this website.  Your artifacts will include:

1.  Journal of written work

    -Title page with clan members’ names, the activity that you chose to complete (Dreams), the date, and the name of your instructor
    -Each clan progress report that your clan completed throughout the unit
    -Each clan member’s pre-reading journal entry followed by its corresponding response journal entry
    -Your clan’s assembled Dream Analyzing Glossary
    -Each clan member’s original and individual “Dream Log” entries
    -Your clan’s typed-up and condensed “Dream Log” entries
    -The visuals your clan created for every dream in the novel
    -The script, scenery notes, and Rationale for your clan’s dream video
    -A clan member evaluation sheet provided by your guide for each

2.  Video of created dream your clan showed in class (clearly labeled)

Main Dream page

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