Iceland is officially called the Republic of
Iceland. It is an island located in the North Atlantic Ocean.
There are many active volcanoes in Iceland as well as glaciers and mountains.
There are plateaus in the northern regions and ice-capped mountains in
the south. The land changes drastically as you travel from through
the country. Iceland almost touches the Arctic circle, which is the
most northern region of the globe. The capitol of Iceland is Reykjavík
(try to pronounce that!). The people who first lived in Iceland were
seamen and adventurers. When Iceland was first discovered, foxes
were the only mammals in living in the country! The settlers brought
farm animals, horses, and mice with them (they did not mean to bring the
mice with them!).
The official language of this country is Icelandic.
Even though it is located far from most countries, it is considered part
of Europe and is a very modern country.
Iceland is much warmer than you may think!
Tropical winds from the South hit cold, Arctic winds from the North, which
make the climate very different depending on where you live in this country.
There are not very many thunderstorms, but heavy fog is common. Sometimes
you can even see the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) in fall and early
can use the links below to find out more about Iceland and how the people
of this country celebrate New Years.Be
sure to use other sources for your research!These
links are here to get you started.Be
creative and enjoy learning how to celebrate the Icelandic New Year with
your new friends!