The country is made up of a string of islands.
The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The Japanese landscape is made mostly
of mountains and is very rugged. There are many active volcanoes
including Mt. Fugi (Japan's highest mountain), a famous tourist attraction.
The climate in Japan is mostly mild and rainy, therefore, there is plenty
of plant life. Japan is one of the world's most modern and technologically
advanced countries, but at the same time the people keep many of their
cultural traditions. Education is considered very important and most
people there know how to read and write. Two of the religions practiced
in Japan are Confucianism and Ancestor Worship. Tokyo is one of the
largest cities in Japan and most of the country's population lives in cities.
You can use the links below to find out more
about Japan and how the people of this country celebrate New Years.Be
sure to use other sources for your research!These
links are here to get you started.Be
creative and enjoy learning how to celebrate the Japanese New Year with
your new friends!