What's the
Weather Today
A WebQuest for 2nd
Grade (Science)
Designed by
Amy Hamlin
Laurie Prevatt
Lori Westerfield
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Introduction | Task
| Process | Evaluation
| Conclusion | Credits
| Teacher Page
This document should be written
with the student as the intended audience. Write a short paragraph here
to introduce the activity or lesson to the students. If there is a role
or scenario involved (e.g., "You are a detective trying to identify the
mysterious poet.") then here is where you'll set the stage. If there's
no motivational intro like that, use this section to provide a short advance
organizer or overview. Remember that the purpose of this section is to
both prepare and hook the reader.
It is also in this section that
you'll communicate the Big Question (Essential Question, Guiding Question)
that the whole WebQuest is centered around.
The Task
Describe crisply and clearly what
the end result of the learners' activities will be. The task could be a:
problem or mystery to be solved;
position to be formulated and defended;
product to be designed;
complexity to be analyzed;
personal insight to be articulated;
summary to be created;
persuasive message or journalistic
account to be crafted;
a creative work, or
anything that requires the learners
to process and transform the information they've gathered.
If the final product involves using
some tool (e.g., HyperStudio, the Web, video), mention it here.
Don't list the steps that students
will go through to get to the end point. That belongs in the Process section.
The Process
To accomplish the task, what steps
should the learners go through? Use the numbered list format in your web
editor to automatically number the steps in the procedure. Describing
this section well will help other teachers to see how your lesson flows
and how they might adapt it for their own use, so the more detail and care
you put into this, the better. Remember that this whole document is addressed
to the student, however, so describe the steps using the second person.
First you'll be assigned to a team
of 3 students...
Once you've picked a role to play....
... and so on.
Learners will access the on-line resources
that you've identified as they go through the Process. You may have a set
of links that everyone looks at as a way of developing background information,
or not. If you break learners into groups, embed the links that each group
will look at within the description of that stage of the process. (Note,
this is a change from the older WebQuest templates which included a separate
Resources section. It's now clear that the resources belong in the Process
section rather than alone.)
In the Process block, you might
also provide some guidance on how to organize the information gathered.
This advice could suggestions to use flowcharts, summary tables, concept
maps, or other organizing structures. The advice could also take the form
of a checklist of questions to analyze the information with, or things
to notice or think about. If you have identified or prepared guide documents
on the Web that cover specific skills needed for this lesson (e.g. how
to brainstorm, how to prepare to interview an expert), link them to this
Describe to the learners how their
performance will be evaluated. Specify whether there will be a common grade
for group work vs. individual grades.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Score |
Stated Objective
or Performance
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level
of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and
movement toward mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level
of performance.
Stated Objective
or Performance
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level
of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and
movement toward mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level
of performance.
Stated Objective
or Performance
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level
of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and
movement toward mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level
of performance.
Stated Objective
or Performance
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level
of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and
movement toward mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level
of performance.
Stated Objective
or Performance
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level
of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and
movement toward mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.
of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level
of performance.
Put a couple of sentences here
that summarize what they will have accomplished or learned by completing
this activity or lesson. You might also include some rhetorical questions
or additional links to encourage them to extend their thinking into other
content beyond this lesson.
Credits &
List here the sources of any images,
music or text that you're using. Provide links back to the original source.
Say thanks to anyone who provided resources or help.
List any books and other analog
media that you used as information sources as well.
Last updated
on August 15, 1999. Based on
a template from The
WebQuest Page