
   You have just won a Survivor trip to Germany.  Through this amazing journey you will experience a country much older than the United States.  While visiting various cities and historic sites you will have the opportunity to experience German language, culture, and history.  You will be surrounded by a wealth of art and culture.  Germany is  home to several famous and significiant individuals: Beethoven, Martin Luther, and Goethe.  Your visit to Germany will be one you will never forget!  You will have the opportunity to experience history instead of reading about it in textbooks.
      While working in small groups, you will compete against other teams in the class.  You must complete all the challenges at a particular location before moving on to the next destination.  The first group to finish this webquest correctly will win.  The lucky team will be rewarded with an authentic German meal of sauerkraut and bratwurst!  Through this experience you will learn about a different country and culture from several different angles.  Each destination will bring new information and knowledge to your world!


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