Discover North Carolina

Teacher Page

A WebQuest for 4th Grade: An Exploration in Language Arts, Social Studies, and Music

Designed by:

Tabitha [email protected]
Clayton [email protected]
Julie [email protected]
Jenny [email protected]
Randy [email protected]

Introduction | Learners | Standards | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Student Page


      The state of North Carolina requires that all public fourth graders study and learn about 
 our  state's history. Each student is responsible for producing a notebook specifically about 
 North Carolina. This lesson was developed as a supplement for this North Carolina notebook

 This webquest will allow the students to study the three regions of the state: the music of the 
 mountains, the history of the piedmont and the folklore of the coast. Music, language arts and 
 social studies are all integrated throughout the lesson. 


 This lesson is anchored in fourth grade social studies. Music and language arts are integrated throughout the lesson. This lesson is a supplemental resource for the North Carolina notebook that all fourth graders must complete. The completed North Carolina notebook will aid in the further study of our state's history in the eighth grade. 

                  Curriculum Standards

 North Carolina Curriculum Standards for Fourth Grade


   Competency 6: The learner will listen to, analyze and describe music.

6.04 Identify visually and aurally a variety of instruments, 
               including...instruments from various cultures.
6.07 Show respect while listening to and analyzing music.

   Competency 7: The learner will evaluate music and music performances.

7.01 Devise and use criteria for evaluating performances and compositions
               of self and others.
 7.03 Show respect for the musical efforts and opinions of others.


   Competency 4: The learner will assess the significance of physical and
              cultural characteristics of regions within North Carolina and
              the region of which North Carolina is a part.

4.1 Explain how regions are defined, and identify regions within North 
             Carolina and regions in which North carolina is a part.
4.2 Describe the major physical and cultural characteristics of regions 
             within North Carolina.
4.3 Compare the physical and cultural characteristics of regions within 
             North Carolina.
4.4 Evaluate the importance of regional differences in North Carolina.

Language Arts

   Competency 2: The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend 
              text that is read, heard, and viewed.

2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, 
              and viewing by: making predictions and formulating questions.
2.03 Read a variety of texts, including fiction.
2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support
            by referencing the texts to determine the: plot, theme, and main idea
            and supporting details. 
2.05 Make inferences, draw conclusions, make generalizations and support by
             referencing the text.
2.06 Summarize major points from fiction and nonfiction text to clarify and
            retain information and ideas.

This activity also encourages inference making, creative production, observation and categorization, and critical analysis.



   The North Carolina mountains are famous for their music. To study the music from
  the mountains, you will create a listening journal. Click on the image of the mountains
 to learn more. 

  The region between the Coastal Plain and the Mountains is called the Piedmont. The 
 state capital and other important sites are located there.. To learn facts about the 
 state and the Piedmont click on the image of the city. This learn facts about the 
 state and the Piedmont click on the image of the city. This information will be useful 
 when you create your travel brochure for the state.

  North Carolina has a very long coastline. There are many beautiful and famous places
 along the coast. In the past, many pirates traveled along the North Carolina beaches, 
 making their mark on the people and history of the region.. To read a ghost story 
 about Blackbeard, click on the lighthouse image. 

    This webquest is organized to be divided into three classes. The first day's lesson will be on the music of North Carolina. The children will spend their time creating a bluegrass listening journal and learning to identify traditional mountain instruments   The second day will be devoted to the study of the Piedmont region. The students will be expected to learn facts about the state and create a travel brochure. The last day of the webquest will be centered around the study of the North Carolina coast and its folklore. Each student will read a ghost story and complete exercises within their language arts folder. 

  There are three core subjects integrated throughout the webquest, Language Arts, Social Studies and Music. The students will not only gain skills in these areas but will also be able to use this knowledge in the completion of their North Carolina notebook.


This webquest can be completed individually or could be assigned as a group lesson. 

               Resources Needed

  • desktop computer with Internet access, sound card and speakers
  • printer
  • free media player from
  • large three ring notebook (North Carolina notebook)
  • large white paper
  • crayons
  • markers
  • assorted art supplies

Learn to identify different Appalachian instruments
You have visited the websites.
You have visited all of the websites, printed out the worksheet, and attempted to identify the instruments.
You have visited all of the websites, printed out the worksheet, and correctly identified half of the instruments.
You have visited all of the websites, printed out the worksheet, and can correctly identify all of the instruments.
Reading comprehension of the ghost story 


You have visited the websites.
You have visited all of the websites, printed out the worksheets, and read the story.
You have visited all of the websites, printed out the worksheets, read the story and attempted to answer all of the questions.
You have visited all of the websites, printed out the worksheets, read the story and answered all of the questions correctly. 
Listen to a variety of North Carolinian music and complete a listening journal
You have listened to some of the music, but not attempted to complete the listening journal.
You have listened to all of the music, but not attempted to complete the listening journal.
You have listened to all of the music and have completed part of the listening journal.
You have listened to all of the music and have completed the entire listening journal.
Exploring the web sites, state facts and brochure
Exploring all of the web sites
Exploring all of the web sites and learning some of the state facts
Exploring all of the web sites, learning all of the state facts, and completing most of the brochure
Exploring all of the web sites, learning all of the web site and completing all of the brochure
Brochure- first page has a state symbol, inside folds advertise two places to visit
One of the three requirements for the brochure is complete
Two of the three requirements for the brochure are complete.
All of the requirements for the brochure are complete
Brochure is complete and decorated.


     While standard textbooks focus mainly on geography and government when examining North Carolina as a state, this Webquest project aims to shed more light on the literary, historical, and musical facets of our culture. 

Credits & References

Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page