A WebQuest for 9th grade World History Designed by
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page Heads dropped from
the guillotine throughout the 1790s because French citizens demanded
freedom. They refused to be governed by the monarchy, and in 1789 took
the government into their own hands, beginning the French Revolution.
Your task is to take on the role
of a specific French citizen group during the Revolution and research,
analyze and draw conclusions based on the historical facts you learn.
The Task Your task is to determine who you will portray during the French Revolution. You need to put yourself in the role of this character; you can be anyone from Louis XVI to a simple peasant. After deciding, pick two stages of the Revolution that your character participated in. For example, if you chose Louis XVI you might want to pick Stages One and Two. Your goal is to write a narrative, historical fiction of sorts, from the viewpoint of your person. Be sure to include historical information to make your narrative accurate, and precise characteristics of the person you chose. Use the internet sources provided by this webquest, but also include information from class lecture and outside sources (you may want to use a book, journal article, or documentary).
The Process First pick a character. You may choose from the following: If you want to make up a character, you may decide to be a member of one of the groups listed below. You must, however, include specific individuals (i.e., Louis XVI, Robespierre, Talleyrand, etc) from the Revolution in your narrative since your character is fictional.
Or, you can be someone specific, just make sure to read the list of important people during the Revolution first!
Then pick two stages of the Revolution: (A stage is defined as a distinct period of time during the Revolution where certain events characteristic to only that time period occurred.)
When you enter a stage with its websites, go to each site and determine which ones will be most helpful to you. Write down specific information you collect, being sure to cite which website you retrieved this information from. Try searching for other websites that might be helpful, but make sure they are valid and the information is genuine. Do not forget to cite these sites as well! .
Evaluation Your grade will be determined using the following criteria (out of a 100 pt. scale): 10 Works Cited
citation of ALL sites used)
You should take this assignment
very seriously; it will count twice toward your six weeks grade.
Conclusion The goal of this website is to allow you, the student, to gain valuable insight into the French Revolution. By writing this narrative you are looking at the Revolution from a certain point of view, asking you to critically evaluate events and their consequences on actual people. After completing this assignment you will be able to appreciate different viewpoints that accompany historical events. After this activity, try using a search engine (like Google) to find other sites about the French Revolution that are not included in this webquest. It is important to distinguish valid websites from ones not containing proper information. While searching for these different websites, see if you can find examples of each. The insight that you gain from
this activity will help you learn how to research on the internet when
future assignments are given.
Credits & References Images from the revolution that
appear on this page come from the Cambridge
Public Schools website.