Panic in the Streets Teacher Page A WebQuest for High
School Students.
Designed by Kate Johnson
[email protected]
| Learners | Standards
| Process | Resources |
| Conclusion | Credits
| Student Page
This Webquest was designed for Dr. Moorman's Reading in the Content Area class at Appalachian State University. This lesson is deisigned to give students a better understanding of September 11th, 2001 and the War on Terrorism. It is importaint that students have an understanding of the world around them, and the effects of these tragides have changed students life forever. Students are going to be asked to assume the role of a reporter who has been in a coma since September 11th, 2001, and thus has no recollection of the events following that day. They will be asked to complete several tasks, all designed to give students a background knowledge of what caused the War on Terror. This webquest is designed for high school students and integrates the subjects of Business, Math, and History. The teacher could possibly choose one or all of these subjects for completion. Before completing the webquest the students must have some idea of the significance of the September 11th events. The students will also need some background on word processing skills and familiarity of the internet.
Business Education Competencies
C007.05- Verify sites and evaluate quality of information. 007.05- Generate various charts from a prepared spreadsheet or other information. Math Competencies
1.01 Solve
a variety of application problems using real numbers;
Probability, and Statistics
4.02 Use
an appropriate format (table, chart, graph, matrix) to present and analyze
World History
US History
12.3 Examine the role
of organizations established to
12.4 Identify causes
of United States involvement in
This project should be completed on an individual basis. Students will use the internet as well as past media artifacts to do the research to complete the tasks and compose a final article. Each subjects area has detailed
descriptions on what needs to be
****Don't forget students must also keep a reporter's journal. They should include answers to the questions provided as well as anything else they find importatnt to their final article. This is an interdisciplinary look at the events of September 11th and the War on Terroism. This lesson has been organized so that students look first at the history of the war, then the buisness behind it, and finially at the numbers (the United States Budget). This lesson should be taught over the period of two weeks. Making sure to give adequate time for each subject area as well as the final article. Students may be overwhelmed at first by the amount of work to be done. However, if the teacher assures the students that if they do each task seperately they will have no problem combining the information for the final article. Teachers need to have some background knowledge on the September 11th attacks and the following War on Terror. Teachers also need a working understanding and basic troubleshooting skills for the internet.
Variations In order to write their article they will have to explore three seperate areas concerning September 11th. These areas include History, Business, and Math. Students are required to complete several tasks under each subject and keep a reporter's journal. The culmination of students work will be presented in a final article about the events of September 11th up to today. The information they will use for their article will be pulled from what they learned during your search for information and from their reporter's journal. They will find detailed descriptions in the fourth and final link under The Process. To successfully complete their assignment students will need the following: * access to a computer
One teacher can handle this webquest, as the
teachers roll is more for support.
Students have been given the following rubric for the evaluation of their work.
By doing this lesson students will have an understanding of what their country is involved in. They will understand what happened on September 11th, that forever changed the United States. They will also be able to explain the War on Terror that we are currently envolved in. This statement lets students have a better grasp of what they see on the news every day. Hopefully students, now that they have an understanding
of what happened and what is going on now, will want to keep up with what
is going on. Teachers should encourage this continued exploration
in current events.
As the events that are being discussed in this Webquest are so recent, there are no books yet in publication. However, teachers may find it valuable to find old newspaper articles or magazines that involve the attacks and following war. Images provided by:
Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page |