Author Zone                    

A WebQuest adaptable for all grades

Designed by the

Page Turners
Marie Birkas  Mary Black  Rhonda Cleary  Mary Hendrix
Cynthia Prevette         Stephanie Ruffin

Page Turners
Ask Jeeves

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page

You are about to enter the Author Zone. Who are authors? Where do they come from? How do they get ideas to write stories? You will find answers to these questions and more... through the Author Zone Web Quest.


The Task
Your mission is to become better acquainted with your favorite author and to show understanding of his or her work. To complete this mission, you must first travel the Author Zone web warp. 


The Process

1. Choose one author from one of the following links


2. Use the internet to discover information about your author. You may decide to use the Web Warp page to assist you.

3. Read at least one book by this author.

4. Complete 2 activities from the getting to know your author list:
Write a short biography of your author.
Write your author a letter.
Enter the Question Quest and answer questions about your author.


You are the author! Work with a partner and prepare a news segment where your classmate interviews you about your life as an author. 

5. Complete 2 activities from the Understanding your author's work list:

Create a Paper Bag Report. In a Paper Bag collect items or pictures of items that are important to the story. Explain the importance of each item.

Design a new book cover for the book you read. On the back, write a response to the book. How did the book affect you? While you were reading, what did you notice? What did you think about? How did the book make you feel?

Make a dictionary using vocabulary from the book you read. Each entry should include an illustration of the particular word, its definition and a sentence using the word. 

Write a different ending to the story you read. 

Make a character map for a character in your story. List 3 character traits and give an example from the story that shows this trait.  Draw a picture of your character.

Create a commercial promoting your favorite book written by the author. Be creative! 




As an astronaut prepares for a mission important decisions must be made. To complete your mission in the Author Zone you must decide how far you will venture. Will you accomplish your mission? 


Blast Off


In Flight


Mission Accomplished!




Discovering Information About Your Author


Some steps are followed.

*One activity is  completed but with insufficient  detail.

*Work exhibits little understanding of the author.

* Work is neat and on time.


Some steps are followed.

*One activity is  completed with sufficient detail.

*Work exhibits some understanding of the author.

* Work is neat and on time.


All steps are followed.

*Two activities are completed with sufficient details.

*Work exhibits an understanding of the author.

* Work is neat and on time.



All steps are followed and show stellar quality!

*Two activities are completed with elaborate details.

*Work exhibits an understanding of the author.

* Work is creative and well organized.





Understanding Your Author's Work


Some steps are followed.

*One activity is  completed but with insufficient  detail.

*Work exhibits little understanding of the author's work.

* Work is neat and on time.


Some steps are followed.

*One activity is  completed with sufficient detail.

*Work exhibits some understanding of the author's work.

* Work is neat and on time.


All steps are followed.

*Two activities are completed with sufficient details.

*Work exhibits an understanding of the author's work.

* Work is neat and on time.


All steps are followed and show stellar quality!

*Two activities are completed with elaborate details.

*Work exhibits an understanding of the author's work.

* Work is creative and well organized.



Future Space Cadets!

We hope you have enjoyed your journey through the Author Zone. You should have a better understanding of your authors and their works. We hope you will use the Zone to venture into other author galaxies.


Credits & References

Thanks to Dr.Gary Moorman of Appalachian State University for encouraging the Page Turners to go where they have never gone before.


Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page