Just to let everyone know the tests you took last Friday were great!!! Everyone made either an A or a B! Thank you all so much for your hard work, let's keep it up for our next unit on Electricity!
Electricity is used in our homes and schools everyday, but how does it get there? Electricity flows through wires from power plants, into our homes and schools, and through the computers, televisions, stoves and lamps that use it! We are going to be learning about Electricity and simple circuits over the next few weeks in science class! Then you will get to make your own simple circuit, to make your lighthouse light up! Below are the material needed to make a simple circuit and also a link to the Lighthouse project.
Materials Needed for your Simple Circuit:
1 battery
1 battery holder
1 bulb
1 bulb holder
2 alligator clips
How to Make a Simple Circuit: