In our Social Studies class we have been learning about the different regions of North Carolina! Currently we are learning about the coastal region.
The Lighthouses of the Outer Banks are an important part of North Carolina's Coastline and are a source of great beauty for our state. During this unit the students will be expected to do research on any one of North Carolina's many lighthouses and write a small report including facts and history. The students will also be required to make a working model of their chosen lighthouse to share with the class and be put on display in the library. And by working model I mean one that actually lights up just like a real light house would. You can do this by making a simple circuit like the ones we made in science class. Remember to decorate your lighthouse like the one you did your report on. See below for materials needed, links to North Carolina's Lighthouses, and how to make a simple circuit . This project will be due in two weeks
Ideas for Materials to Build Your Lighthouse:
Paint | Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, etc. |
Wood or Cardboard | Paper Towel Rolls |
Oatmeal Cans | Clear Plastic Cups |
Links to North Carolina's Lighthouses
You can find all the information you need here: