What is Conflict?
- Conflict is a disagreement between two opposing groups or individuals.
- In literature, conflict is the problem in the story.
- There are four specific types of conflict in literature.
- Person verses Person : One person has a problem with another. (e.g. Lisa does not like Mike because he copied off of her math test.)
- Person verses Self : An individual struggles with making a personal decision. (e.g. Mindy was faced with the decision of lying for her friend or telling her friend's mother the truth.)
- Person verses Nature : Person has conflict with physical world. (e.g. Mr. Stoney broke his leg by tripping over a large stump.)
- Person verses Society : Person has a problem with a large group of people. (e.g. The citizens of Malberry treated Mrs. Greene harshly because she did not vote for Mr. Hoover to be the new Mayor.)
Examples of Conflict in NumberThe Stars
- Person verses Person : Annemarie encountered a conflict with the Nazi soldiers when they stopped her while she was on her way to give her Uncle Hebrik the special letter that was in the bottom of her basket.
- Person verses Self : Ellen faced a conflict when she had to decide if she should let Annemarie take off her necklace with the Star of David on it before the Nazi soldiers found it when they searched the Johansen's home.
- Person verses Nature : Inge Johansen, Annemarie's mom, came in contact with a conflict when she fell over a root and broke her ankle.
- Person verses Society: The Rosens had to deal with conflict when they were faced with having to escape the harsh rules the Nazi's had placed on the Jews.
Can You Answer This Question???
What are some appropriate ways you can handle conflict in your life?
Check out the websites listed below to help you answer the above question.
Conflict 1
Conflict 2
Conflict 3
Conflict 4
Fun Activity for you to Complete. Click on this link and read the story.
Identify the conflicts in the story. (write down on piece of paper)
Suggest some positive ways these conflicts can be resolved by using the information you found on the previous websites you looked at. (write your suggestions on a piece of paper)
Be prepared to share your responses with the class.
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