


You will be responsible for completing one of the four tasks below and presenting your group's newsletter on “Read all about it Day”.

~Investigator ~

You will find out general and background information of your artist. Remember to cite your resources and turn your information to the editor by his/her set deadline. These questions below are required for you to answer.

  • When they were born?
  • What was their family life like? (i.e. siblings, religion, spouse, kids)
  • Where they lived?
  • What type of art did they produce? (i.e. paintings, sculpture, architecture)
  • What was the first artwork that they created?
  • Any additional information or interesting facts can also be added. (at least 2)
  • After you have finished your investigation type your information in paragraph form.
  • Remember to refer back to the Task page to get information for your artist.




You will ask the artist personal questions. Remember to cite your resources and turn your information to the editor by his/her set deadline. These questions below are required for you to answer.

  • What was your favorite piece of artwork that you have done?
  • Who inspired you to become an artist?
  • How old were you when you created your first famous artwork?
  • What advice would you give to an upcoming artist? (based on your information found what do you think this artist would say?)
  • What kind of struggles and obstacles you had to overcome?
  • Come up with 3 additional questions and answers
  • After you have finished your interview type your information in paragraph form.
  • Remember to refer back to the Task page to get information for your artist.



You will be responsible for adding and deleting information provided by the investigator and interviewer. In addition you will follow these guidelines:

•  You will be responsible to designate a deadline for the information found by the investigator and the interviewer

•  Revise any grammatical errors

•  Use the investigators and interviewers resources to create a work cited page based on the MLA format.

•  After reviewing the information provided by the investigator and interviewer, you will be required to meet with the investigator and the interviewer separately to discuss the changes or any additional information that needs to be added.

•  After final corrections have been made you will need to e-mail your teacher a rough copy of your work. You will also, need to set a date to discuss the final project with the entire group.



You will be responsible for the creation of the newsletter. Remember to cite your sources. You will need to create a newsletter that should be 4 pages. In addition the following are required in the newsletter:

  • First of all you need to create a title for the newsletter.
  • Need at least one drop cap
  • You will need to find pictures of the artist and their artwork (at least four total)
  • Make font large enough to read
  • You need to design a newsletter that looks like it came from the Renaissance period (i.e. font, borders)
  • The newsletter should be colorful and grab reader's attention.
  • Make sure you have at least one quote from the artist or about the artist.
  • Remember to refer back to the Task page to get information for your artist. Also, ask for help if you are having problems using Microsoft Publisher. After the newsletter is finished e-mail a copy to your teacher.

*Each group should have a final meeting together before presenting their newsletter. Your group will also need to make copies of their newsletter for each student in the class.*


~Read all about it Day~

Your group will be responsible for presenting their newsletter. In addition your group should follow these guidelines:

  • All group members must have a part in the presentation (speaking)
  • Your group should show excitement and enthusiasm while presenting
  • Your group should show evidence of preparation and organization
  • Your group should also try to involve the class (i.e. ask questions)

*After all the groups present your teacher will combine the newsletters together into a booklet. As a class, we will design our cover page for the booklet.*

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