“When done, they went and squatted by the water, each scouring his own plate in river sand.  Then the white man threw sticks on the coals of the cook fire, building it up with no eye toward thrift of wood until flame stood shoulder high.  The show folk passed a bottle around and sat telling Inman stories of their endless travels.  The road, they said, was a place apart, a country of its own ruled by no government but natural law, and its one characteristic was freedom.  Their stories were of being broke and of sudden windfalls.  Card games and horse auctions and the wonderful prevalence of the witless.  Various tight spots with the law, disasters narrowly averted, fools bested in trade, wisemen met on the road and their often contradictory wisdom.  Townships of gullibility and of particular viciousness.  They reminded each other of certain camp places and of meals eaten in them, and they reached consensus that the finest of all was a place some years in the past where a river of considerable size poured directly from the base of a rock face, and they likewise agreed that they had never eaten better fried chicken than they had cooked in the shadow of that cliff.”  --Page 128
  1. What is the topic?
  2. Does everyone in the group focus on the same thing about the passage as its central message or are there minor differences of opinion and interpretation?
  3. How does this passage relate to things you already know and believe (from experience, other classes, etc.)?
  4. Express and reflect upon your personal values and feelings related to anything you found meaningful and relevant in the passage and your prior knowledge / schema.