Your clan members stop to rest beside a river. You hear rustling noises in the nearby woods. Initially, you are all anxious and prepared to fight. However, some rough-looking people appear and ask to join you. They smelled the smoke from your fire and wished to gather around the heat during the chilly night rather than hide in the woods. (Re-) Read the following passage.
Now, your job is to predict the reactions of the other group members based on the previous discussion. After you have written down their hypothetical responses, share your insights with the group, perhaps discuss why you chose that answer, and listen to the other members’ guesses about you! You can copy and paste these questions into a document and print your hypothesis and responses to be included in the journal. Enjoy!
1. Camping is fun!
2. The most important thing in life is a sense of community.
3. People tend to glorify their memories.
4. Travel is difficult and sometimes energy-draining.
5. The road is a symbol of freedom.
6. Native Americans believe that white men are ignorant of efficient use of resources.
7. This conversation could have been with women at a campsite.
8. The characters in this passage are true friends.
9. The atmosphere of this scene is no longer possible in modern-day America.
10. Only “mountain men” share these kind
of moments and experiences.