***Complete these tasks while you are reading the book within the timeframe given to you by your guide.***
1. For every dream that you come across while reading Cold Mountain, make an entry into a “Dream Log” that you have created using the following guidelines:
-using notebook paper, create a chart that documents each dream in the book, paying attention to the listed details.
-Character that had the dream
-Setting that the character fell asleep in
number of the dream
-Plot summary of the dream
-Major symbols/characters in the dream
-Setting of the dream
-Your groups interpretation of the dream
effect that the dream has on the novel
As a clan, constantly share all of your “Dream Logs” together and condense
them into a single log. Type up this clan log into an organized and
easy-to-read format that documents every dream in the whole novel.
3. Using your clan “Dream Log” as a reference, create a visual out of construction paper and other art supplies for every dream in the novel. Use drawings, magazine cutouts, short words and phrases, and any other ways you can think of to visually represent each dream and its role in the book. Label each visual with what its dream’s role was in the book: revealing the past, providing more information about the present, or foreshadowing to the future.