Teacher Page A WebQuest for Kindergarten Designed by Jessica Johnson
Introduction | Learners | Standards | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Student Page This
lesson was developed as part of a web quest
lesson is based on the children’s book, Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne
Titherington. Throughout the lesson children will be asked to read the
book and participate in pumpkin related activities. These activities include
lessons in literature, science, art, and math. It also will enhance their
early developing computer skills with some assistance from the teacher.
This lesson is designed for children at the kindergarten level. It can also be used with preschoolers and first grade students. Learners will need to have some prior computer experience and knowledge before beginning the lesson. The students should be able to use the mouse to point and click on pictures. It would also be helpful if they know how to print documents. Curriculum Standards The students will learn about successful pumpkin growth and harvest. Science Standards Addressed (task 1and 3)
Visual Art Standards
Addressed (task 4-the students will create their own carved
pumpkin using the computer, they will also color their own pumpkin)
and Technology Skills Standards Addressed:
Identify the computer as a machine that helps people work and play ·1.2
Identify the physical components of a computer system ·1.4
Demonstrate correct care and use of computers ·2.2
Place the cursor at a specified location Task One: As a class read the book Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington. As you read be sure to emphasize the process of how the pumpkin grows from a seed. Be sure to give the students ample time to look at each illustration. Look at how Jamie's little seed grows into a big pumpkin! Click on the picture of the book with
your teacher to learn more about it.
Task Two: Growing pumpkins is a hard job. It takes a lot of time and care from a farmer. With your class talk about all the things pumpkins need to grow. Create a book about the steps of pumpkin growth. Click on the picture below to find a booklet worksheet. You could even visit a pumpkin patch to learn more about how pumpkins grow from a real farmer. Be sure to refer back to the book to help students understand the growth process of the pumpkin. Task Three: Guess the number of seeds that are in a pumpkin. With your teacher, cut open a pumpkin. Dig out all the seeds from inside the pumpkin. Count the seeds to see if your guess was right. Click on the pumpkin below for a worksheet. To use this worksheet you will need five pumpkins. You might want to split the class into small groups for this activity. Task Four: Now that you've learned all about pumpkins lets do some artwork. Click on the pictures below for fun activities.
The lesson is organized according to subjects of study ie. art, science, math and computer literacy. This is a multidisciplinary lesson and will most likely take a few days to implement. A beginning teacher could easily teach
this lesson if they have some prior basic computer knowledge and skills.
This activity should be used in a classroom equipped with computers so
the proper tools and resources are available for each individual task.
Resources Needed
The children are evaluated in four ways;
unsatisfactory, satisfactory, excellent, and mastery. A score of unsatisfactory
is received for unattentiveness and incomplete work. A satisfactory grade
is earned by a child who completes their work, but does not fully participate
in the activities. An excellent score is given to a child who participates
and understands pumpkin growth. A child who has reached the mastery level
has a fine grasp on the stages of growth and participates fully. Please
refer to the student page for evaluation form.
This is a valuable lesson because it
intergrates language arts, science, math, visual arts, and computer technology.
Through this lesson students will get a better understanding of the stages
of pumpkin growth as well as other plants. This lesson will enhance their
basic competencies while they participate in fun fall activities.
Titherington, Jeanne.Pumpkin, Pumpkin.