Welcome to Auschwitz, Poland
(Territory Occupied by Germany)

Auschwitz, Poland is also known as the Gate of Hell.  Auschwitz is one of several concentration camps that was occupied by Germany which imprisoned and killed Jews during the Holocaust.

The hospital block courtyard at Auschwitz



After reading Night by Elie Weisel, you have a better understanding of what the Jews went through in the concentration camps while in captivation by the Germans.  As you visit Auschwitz, a location of a concentration camp, you will complete three activities related to the book as well as visit  historical web sites about the Holocaust.  The completion of these activities will lead you to the next city as you continue on your journey through Germany.

  Activity One

1) Read the novel Night by Elie Weisel
2) Open  the Reading Review, and print it out
3) Complete the Reading Review, and put it into your portfolio

  Activity Two

1) Writing Corner: you have the option to. . . . . . . .
  a. Write a poem based on the book, Night
  b. Write a one page, typed, double-spaced, journal reflection about how Night can help the world understand how
      to accept and respect other races and prevent events like the Holocaust from reoccurring
  c. Write a letter through one character’s perspective to another character in the book

  Activity Three

1) Create a political cartoon form the German's or Jew's perspective about the Holocaust, based on the book; or

2) Draw a Holocaust Memorial, and give a brief summary about what the monument stands for

Links To Visit

-Holocaust Learning Center

-Time Line of concentration camps

* Important Note: Make sure that all the assignments are typed, printed out, and put into the portfolio *

Gateway out of Auschwitz


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