Reflection on Walls

     Welcome to Berlin, a city full of history and culture!  Did you know that for 28 years the city of Berlin was divided by a large stone wall?  Imagine, just for a moment, waking up in your hometown to find that a huge wall was running through town and you weren’t able to get to the other side.  What if your best friend or grandparent’s house was on the other side of the wall?  How would you feel?  While learning about and experiencing Berlin, keep in mind that a wall divided this city for almost 30 years.  This is a very long time.
      Spend some time thinking about walls.  Who uses walls?  What are walls often used for?  Do you ever put up walls?  Why?  Why not?  After reflecting on walls and what they could represent, write a one page reflection on how you see walls in our society.  Also,  include in the reflection how you think walls can be broken down.


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