
Teacher Page

A WebQuest for 1st Grade (Art, English/Language Arts, Science, Math, and Technology/Computer Skills) 

Designed by: 
Alison Byrd [email protected] 
  Leigh Griffith [email protected] 
        Sabrina Springer  [email protected] 
     Lynne Weathers [email protected]

Introduction | Learners | Standards | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Student Page

This lesson was designed to help first graders understand the life cycle of dinosaurs.  To complete the webquest, students should work in groups of four under the supervision of a teacher or guardian.  The students are asked to complete four different tasks on the internet and create a guidebook to demonstrate their completion of tasks and knowledge of dinosaurs. 

To successfully complete this lesson students should have basic computer, reading and math skills.  The lesson is rather advanced and students will need quite a bit of assistance.  Dino-Mite was designed to meet North Carolina Standard Course of Study Competencies for first grade in English/ Language Arts, Art, Science, Math, and Computer/Technology Skills.  The teacher may plan a trip to the local musuem to enhance the unit on dinosaurs. 


1.02 Use imagination as a source of ideas.

1.03 Understand and follow step-by-step presentation of art activities.

1.06 Select color according to emotional appeal.

Language Arts:

2.01 Read aloud independently with fluency and comprehension any text that is appropriately designed for emergent readers.

2.02 Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of texts.

2.03 Read and comprehend both narrative and expository text appropriate for grade one.

2.05 Predict and explain what will happen next in stories.

4.04 Extend skills in using oral and written language:
producing written products.

5.04 Use complete sentences to write simple texts.

5.05 Use basic capitalization and punctuation.


1.02 Determine the needs of animals:

1.03 Identify environments that support various types of living organisms.


1.05 Read and write numerals to 100.

1.06 Read number words zero to ten.

2.10 Use calendar language appropriately, e.g. seasons and months of the year, today, yesterday, tomorrow, next week, and last month.

3.01 Describe and compare objects by their attributes; order sets.

4.01 Gather, organize and display information as a group activity. 

4.02 Answer questions about charts and graphs.

4.04 Create concrete, pictorial, and symbolic graphs using prepared grids.

Computer/Technology Skills:

1.2 Recognize an individual's rights of ownership to computer-generated work.

1.4 Identify the Internet as a source of information. (T) 

2.1 Identify and discuss fundamental computer terms. (SI) 

2.3 Identify basic word processing terms. (KU/WP/DTP) 

2.5 Use electronic databases to locate information. (DB)

3.1 Group items by different attributes using manipulatives and/or software. (SS) 

3.2 Gather, organize, and display data. (SS) 


You can paste in the process description given to students on the student page and then interleave the additional details that a teacher might need.

This lesson can be completed in class or at home with the assistance of a parent or teacher.  It can be finished in one sitting.

No specialized experiences are needed, the teacher should have minimum computer skills and should be able to understand this webquest without difficulty. 

Resources Needed

  • Computer
  • Paper
  • Notebook
  • Teacher or Parent (one)
To help students complete Dino-mite, it may be helpful to preview the website used.  For a list of websites see Credits and References.


How will you know that this lesson was successful? Describe what student products or performances you'll be looking at and how they'll be evaluated. This, of course, should be tightly related to the standards and objectives you cited above.

You may want to just copy and paste the evaluation section of the student page into this space and add any clarifications needed for another teacher to make use of this lesson.


Dino-Mite is a great way to enhance any unit on dinosaurs.  The quest is engaging and provides academically challenging information on the life cycle of dinosaurs, incorporating a variety of subjects.  The webquest also completes several competencies for first graders as required by the North Carolina Course of Study. 

Credits & References

Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page