A WebQuest for 1st Grade 
(Science, Math, English/Language Arts & Technology/Computer skills)

Designed by:
Alison Byrd [email protected]
  Leigh Griffith [email protected]
        Sabrina Springer  [email protected]
  Lynne Weathers [email protected]


Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


Yay!!! Its Friday and it is time for recess.  You just cannot wait to slide down the big, red slide!  You climb to the top, but wait something is a little different today.  What could it be?  You sit down, put your hands beside you and push off!  Away you go!!!!  Down, down, down.  Boy, the slide seems a lot longer today, you think to yourself.  And then you land.  Wait a minute, you are not on the playground anymore!!! 

You have just traveled through a time warp and are walking among the dinosaurs! WELCOME, to the land before time.  The big red slide on the school playground turns into a time warp once every two million years.  And today was the day. 

The key to returning to the present is making a guidebook that will help future visitors learn more about dinosaurs.  You will put this guidebook together with three of your classmates.  Enjoy your visit back in time!!!  GOOD LUCK!

The Task 

You and your group will use pre-selected Internet sites in order to conduct your research of dinosaurs living in the Mesozoic Era. Follow the instructions under each day carefully.
Complete all worksheets and coloring pages.
To bind the guidebook, the group must present their completed work to the teacher.

The Procedure

1. First you'll be assigned to a team of 3 students. 
2. Click on Day 1.  Follow directions.
3. Each day afterwards, click on the next day and follow directions (tomorrow click on day 2).
4.  If you have any questions, be sure to raise your hand.  The teacher will help you.

Day 1


Day 2

Day 3


Day 4


Day 5



Describe to the learners how their performance will be evaluated. Specify whether there will be a common grade for group work vs. individual grades.










Did not complete task as assigned.
Completed task, with multiple mistakes.
Completed task, with minor mistakes.
Completed task, with little or no mistakes, in a timely manner.
My Dinosaur Story


Did not complete task as assigned. Showed no creativity.
Completed task, with multiple mistakes. Showed of a little creativity.
Completed task, with multiple mistakes. Showed some creativity.
Showed creativity, and used more advanced language. The student also had little or no mistakes.


Did not complete task as assigned. Showed no creativity.
Completed task, with multiple mistakes. Showed evidence of a little creativity.
Completed task, with multiple mistakes. Showed some creativity.
Showed creativity, and used more advanced skills. The student also had little or no mistakes.
Cooperation with fellow group members
Did not participate in group activities.
Participated in group activities, but was not polite to group members.
Participated in group activities, and was polite to group members.
Participated in group activities, was polite, and willing to help others.
Did not complete task as assigned. Showed no creativity.
Completed task, with multiple mistakes. Showed evidence of a little creativity.
Completed task, with a fes mistakes. Showed evidence of some creativity.
Completed task, showed significant creativity and advanced skills.


Welcome back to the present!!!  By completing your guidebook, you gained enough knowledge to be warped back to the big, red slide.  Hope you had fun on your adventure and learned a lot about dinosaurs along the way.

Credits & References

Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page