Fly Away With Me

A WebQuest for Kindergarten (Art, Science, Math)

Designed by
Samantha Clark
[email protected]
Stacey Kropff
[email protected]
Marsha Moore
[email protected]
Jana Ritter
[email protected]
Dion Stocks
[email protected]

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


HI THERE LITTLE CATERPILLARS!  This is your friend Dion the Butterfly!  Today we will explore the many stages that a little caterpillar goes through to become a beautiful butterfly.  Come fly with me as we travel together and learn about the joy of getting wings to fly as a BUTTERFLY!! 

The Task
Today you are going to figure out how I, Dion the Butterfly, became the beautiful butterfly that I am today.  I was not always this way, and it took me a long time to become a butterfly.  You are going to read a book, do a worksheet, and create a butterfly of your own that goes through all of the stages that I did.  Have fun!

The Process
In able for you to understand my life cylce, I have come up with four tasks for you to complete.  One task will be directed by your teacher, but the rest you will complete on your very own!

Click Here For Task 1


Click Here For Task 2


Click Here For Task 3

Click Here For Task 4

You will be evaluated by how well you understand the life cycle of the butterfly and if you can discuss the stages on your own.  You can also earn points by completing all of the tasks and turning your work in to your teacher.









 Task One: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Did not listen to the story
Listened to the story but did not understand the story. 
Listened to the story and understood the story.
Listen to the story and was able to discuss the book.
Task Two:
Stages of the Butterfly


Did not look at the stages of the butterfly on the web quest.
Accessed the stages of the butterfly on the web quest.
Accessed the stages of the butterfly and understood the  life cycle enough to identify them by pictures.
Accessed the stages of the butterfly and understood the life cycle enough to participate in class discussion.
Task Three:
Butterfly Worksheet


Did not download the worksheet. 
Downloaded the worksheet but did not draw and color in the life cycles of the butterfly.
Downloaded the worksheet and completed the worksheet with little detail.
Downloaded the worksheet and completed the worksheet with great detail.
Task Four: Make your own butterfly.
Did not complete the craft.
Downloaded the directions and started the butterfly craft.
Downloaded the directions and completed the butterfly life cycle craft with little detail.
Dowloaded the direcions and completed the butterfly life cycle craft wit great detail.

Congratulations on learning all of the stages that made me such a beautiful butterfly.  Now you should be able to identify a butterfly in any of the stages that you might find one in.  Good luck learning as much as you can about all types of butterflies and happy butterfly hunting!

Credits & References

List here the sources of any images, music or text that you're using. Provide links back to the original source. Say thanks to anyone who provided resources or help. 

List any books and other analog media that you used as information sources as well.Butterfly Music:

Butterfly Pattern for task 4:

Butterfly Patter for task 3:

To make a butterfly for task 4:

Butterfly images:,gif,gif,gif

Butterfly Backgrounds:

Link for task 3:

Music notes images:

Life cycle descriptions on task 2:

Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page