Fly Away With Me
Teacher Page

A WebQuest for Kindergarten (Art, Science, Math)

Designed by

Designed by
Samantha Clark
[email protected]
Stacey Kropff
[email protected]
Marsh Moore
[email protected]
Jana Ritter
[email protected]
Dion Stocks
[email protected]

Introduction | Learners | Standards | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Student Page


This lesson is designed to enhance the His/Her World science curriculum as designed by the NCDPI.  Students will be encouraged to explore the life cycle of the butterfly through various activities to enhance their knowledge.  This lesson was developed as part of the Foundations 3850 class at Appalachain State University.

Students will be asked to explore, through many avenues, the cycle of a butterfly and to use activities that will visually ehance as well as many hands on activities.


This lesson is anchored in Kindergarten science, mathematics, and art.  This lesson could also be linked to other curriculum such as art, mathmatics and reading.  Learners will be able to use a variety of methods to have a better understanding of the life cycle of a butterfly.

This lesson encourages exploration through litereature, reading, art and exploration through many different senses and means of "hands-on" learning.

Curriculum Standards

Students will also be challenged to think independently, create artistically and to use analytical thought and processes to build a better understanding of the life cycle and changes of a butterfly. Students will be challenged to use prior knowledge of reading, math and art skills to complete this process.  The students will also be challenged to compare the caterpillar to a butterfly and distinguish the differences that have occured between the two creatures.

Students will be able to identify the following from the NCDPI Kindergarten  curriculum:

Computer/Technology Skills Curriculum
Grade Level: K

Competency Goal 1 The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computer and other technologies. 

 1.1 Identify the computer as a machine that helps people work and play. (SI) 

1.2 Identify the physical components of a computer system. (SI)

1.3 Demonstrate respect for the work of others. (SI)

1.4 Demonstrate correct care and use of computers. (SI) 

1.5 Identify word processing software as a tool for writing. (KU/WP/DTP) 

Competency Goal 2 The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies. 

2.1 Locate and use letters, numbers, and special keys on a keyboard. (KU/WP/DTP) 

2.2 Place the cursor at a specified location. (KU/WP/DTP)

2.3 Identify items by different attributes using manipulatives and/or software. (SS)

2.4 Recognize the characteristics of multimedia. (M/P) 

Competency Goal 3  The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information. 

3.1 Group items by different attributes using manipulatives and/or software. (SS)

3.2 Arrange a picture story in sequential/linear order. (M/P)

Grade Level Focus Areas · Parts of the computer and how to operate · Keyboard familiarity · Grouping and sequencing · Respect for the work of others 


COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will develop skills necessary for understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes. (National Standard1)

2.01 Become familiar with a limited number of basic art media, techniques and processes, which may include: 
Drawing - crayons, oil pastels, non-toxic markers, brushes, computers, pencils, sidewalk chalk 
Cut paper - glue, scissors, folding, bending 3-D - clay, paper, found objects, including wood scraps 
Printmaking - stamps, gadgets, found objects, vegetables, monoprint
Painting - tempera, watercolors, large brushes, sponges, finger paint
Ceramics - pinch, coil, found stamps.

2.10 Demonstrate proper use and care of materials and tools.

2.11 Use the art room rules for behavior, care and safety of equipment, tools and materials.

Competency Goal 1: The learner will build an understanding of similarities and differences in plants and animals.

1.02 Identify the similarities and differences in animals: 
· Appearance. 
· Growth. 
· Change. 
· Purpose. 

Competency Goal 3 :The learner will build an understanding of the properties/movement of common objects and organisms.

3.03 Describe motion when an object, a person, an animal, or anything goes from one place to another.

Information Skills Curriculum

Competency Goal 1: The learner will EXPLORE sources and formats for reading, listening, and viewing purposes.

 1.01 Participate in read-aloud, storytelling, book talking, silent and voluntary reading experiences. 

Competency Goal 5: The learner will COMMUNICATE reading, listening, and viewing experiences.

 5.01 Respond to reading, listening, viewing experiences orally, artistically, dramatically through various formats. 

5.02 Produce media in various formats (e.g., pictorial, multimedia)

5.03 Acknowledge resources used in all print, non-print, and electronic products.


Competency Goal 2: The learner will explore concepts of geometry and non-standard measurement.

2.02 Complete simple spatial visualization tasks and puzzles. 

Competency Goal 3 The learner will model simple patterns and sorting activities.

 3.01 Describe likenesses and differences between and among objects. 



In able for you to understand my life cylce, I have come up with four tasks for you to complete.  One task will be directed by your teacher, but the rest you will complete on your very own!

Click Here For Task 1


Click Here For Task 2


Click Here For Task 3

Click Here For Task 4

Resources Needed

Butterfly Music:

Butterfly Pattern for task 4:

Butterfly Patter for task 3:

To make a butterfly for task 4:

Butterfly images:,gif,gif,gif

Butterfly Backgrounds:

Link for task 3:

Music notes images:

Life cycle descriptions on task 2:

Standard Course of Study

Butterfly Books


You will be evaluated by how well you understand the life cycle of the butterfly and if you can discuss the stages on your own.  You can also earn points by completing all of the tasks and turning your work in to your teacher.  

See student page for evaluation guidelines



Congratulations on learning all of the stages that made me such a beautiful butterfly.  Now you should be able to identify a butterfly in any of the stages that you might find one in.  Good luck learning as much as you can about all types of butterflies and happy butterfly hunting!

Credits & References

Butterfly Poem:

Lesson Plans

Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page