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Read the articles under Getting Started to help get your thought process flowing. After reading these articles and looking at several art collections, write 5 rules as a team that art must follow. It may be wise to search through several of the galleries before trying to define your "art rules". After writing your rules, compile a portfolio with pictures of the works of art that follow your rules including a brief description of each work and why you chose to save it.




Step One - Getting Started

Read the following articles to help you open your mind and begin to think like a true Graphic Preservation Team member. Don't throw out the ideas you may already have, but be sure you are open to new ones. Also, as you are trying to answer the question, "What is art?" look and see how other cultures define art. The perfect place to start is with their museums...


What is art?...What is an artist?

Elements of Art

What is art?



Now that you have a good idea of what art is, come together as a class and discuss what you have found. Did anything you found out surprise you? Were you confused about anything? Everyone should have at least one statement describing what art is to contribute to the class discussion.




Step Two - Assigning Experts

Now that you have read the articles, divide your group into individuals who will become “experts” in a genre of art of your choosing. Here are some examples of genres to consider:





natural art




Step Three - Exploring Art

Below are links to several art galleries from all over the world. Peruse them looking at what other cultures value as art. Remember, as a member of the Graphic Preservation Team, you are saving the entire world's art, not just our nation's. Feel free to wander as you wonder about art... look at artwork from as many different nations and cultures as you want. But don't forget your mission!

*Note: If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed in any of the web sites, pause, back up, and zoom out. Most web sites have a site map that will give you an overview of every "room" in their "mansion" of a web site. Remember what you are looking for, and don't worry about the other stuff.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

WorldArt Kiosk

The Louvre

Kyoto National Museum

National Palace Museum in Taiwan

Gallery of West Indian Art

Important Monuments of Western Art

National Gallery of Art




Step Four - Writing Your Rules

Now that you have become experts in the various genres of art, reconvene and write 5 rules that art follows. These rules should help you make your decisions later in choosing which artworks to save. Here are some questions to consider when writing your rules:

  • Does art make you feel? stir up emotions?
  • Can art be touched, manipulated, even eaten?
  • Does art have to have been created by us?

Before moving on to Step Five, turn your list of rules into your teacher for review. They will let you know when it is okay for you to proceed.




Step Five - Is That Your Final Answer?

Your team has done a great job gathering information! Now you have to keep going, and make those important decisions... which works of art will you choose? Compile a list of the artwork you are saving. Keep working hard!



Step Six - Compile Your Portfolio

You've made your decisions, now it's time to present them to the World Headquarters' top leaders in the Inner Circle. At the beginning of the portfolio you should include the list of the five rules you decided that art follows so that the Inner Circle will be persuaded that what you saved truly was art. Next, find a picture of each artwork you are choosing to save (don't forget to cite them if you take them from another source such as a web site or encyclopedia of some sort). Include the following beneath each picture :

  1. artist and date created
  2. place it was found
  3. reason for saving it (1-2 sentences)

Finally, compile your work into a three-ring binder so that it will be protected and well organized. Each page should have only one picture so that the Top Leaders will have an easier time finding things.






next: evaluation