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Teacher Instruction: Concerning Step One of the Process: At the end step one, gather the class together to discuss what they found. Be sure that everyone is understanding the general assignment and that they have an idea of what art is. Here are some questions you could use while facilitating this discussion:
(Questions adapted from Suite101.com article about Discussion Based Art Education.) Concerning Step Four : Up to this point, they have worked as a group and should have an idea of what other countries consider to be art and even have their own ideas formed. At the end of this step, collect each group's list of five rules. Make sure that their rules are coherent, not overlapping, and are broad enough to be useful.
*This WebQuest is designed to get students thinking on a broader level. "What is art?" is not an easy question to answer. Be sure you encourage the students as the dig deep and search for their own answers to this age-old question. Encourage their discussions and explorations of art, but be sure they stay on decent, family-friendly web sites.* When you assign anyone a topic as broad and with as many answers as this one, it will be easy for them to be overwhelmed and loose focus of the assignment. Try to help keep your students on track by asking them randomly for updates. Advise them to keep an open mind and to follow the lead of the museums, they obviously chose their artwork for a reason. Also, when maneuvering any web site you can easily be confused. Advise your students to use the "site map" when necessary as a means of zooming out to see where they have been. Art is a fantastic field that could and should be included in everyone's daily lives. Have fun with this assignment, and watch as your kids have fun, too. |
NC Standard Course of Study for Visual Arts in Grade 5 COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will develop critical and creative thinking skills and perceptual awareness necessary for understanding and producing art. 1.01 Use the imagination as a source for symbolic expression. 1.02 Practice a variety of methods of observation from different points of view to explore spatial relationships. 1.03 Use current events as a catalyst for the discussion and production of art. COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will choose and evaluate a range of subject matter and ideas to communicate intended meaning in artworks. (National Standard 3) Objectives: 4.01 Compare and contrast the work of various artists' styles and cultures. COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures. (National Standard 4) Objectives: 5.01 Begin to recognize that art is the visual record of the history of mankind. 5.02 Identify selected characteristics that make art of a particular culture unique. 5.03 Apply a knowledge of belief systems of selected cultures as reflected in the artwork of those cultures. 5.04 Compare art of one culture to that of another culture or time. 5.05 Recognize selected individual style characteristics of an artist. 5.06 Compare and contrast selected major artists and artwork. 5.07 Demonstrate a sense of history (what came before and after) regarding cultures and works of art. 5.08 Recognize there are many universal themes in art throughout history. COMPETENCY GOAL 6: The learner will reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others. (National
Standard 5) Objectives: 6.01 Respond to questions relating to purpose and appropriateness of works including: Why do you think this artist painted this way? How do the materials the artist used help get across the idea of the artwork? COMPETENCY GOAL 7: The learner will perceive connections between visual arts and other disciplines. (National Standard 6)
Objectives: 7.01 Identify similarities and differences between the visual arts and other disciplines. 7.02 Appreciate and speculate about how technology will precipitate additional artistic developments in the future. 7.03 Compare current technology to that of the past. COMPETENCY GOAL 8: The learner will develop an awareness of art as an avocation and profession.
Objectives: 8.01 Examine the choice of art as a profession. 8.02 Recognize that art provides an opportunity for life long learning. 8.03 Begin to recognize that the creation of art requires creative and critical thinking skills that are used throughout life. taken from NC Standard Course of Study for Visual Arts in the 5th grade |
The UNESCO web site is a great source for topics ranging from the sciences to social studies. The research here is current and should be considered a great resource for all teachers.
The Met- Educational Resources is also another great site for teachers.
"In addition to the array of printed, audiovisual, and electronic materials produced by the Museum's Education Department, the Metropolitan Museum of Art conducts a rich variety of professional development programs for elementary and secondary school educators."
I found the following web sites helpful when creating rubrics for the students:
If you are working with younger children, the National Gallery of Art has a great web site they can explore:
~This WebQuest was created by Rebecca Church ([email protected]) and was made as part of an assignment in CI 3850 at Appalachian State University.~ |