Rainforest Rescuers

A WebQuest for 4th Grade (Science, Computer Technology, Art, Music, English Language Arts) 

Designed by

Jennifer Eller, Kellie Boyles, Jamie Cooper, & Sara Poole

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


Help! I am Skydiver Sam and have just missed my landing! I hit the ground and arose to find myself in a rainforest.   I need help learning about the habitat where I have landed. I have contacted you and four of your friends because you have the information needed for me to survive.  You guys will be my rescuers until the helicopter returns for me.  In the few days since my arrival,  I have encountered many things like: strange animals, interesting plants, unusual weather patterns, and unique natives.  As rescuers your group will help me understand what I have seen and also relay to me the importance of the rainforest. 

The Task

-You and your group will be doing all your research for this project on the computer, using pre-selected web sites.

-Each group member will take on one of the five expert roles.  They will research and learn through web sites provided for them.

-As a group you will responsible for helping Skydiver Sam learn about the habitat he is now in.

-As a group you will go to the www.puzzlemaker.com and create a word search for the all of the class to do.

-Individually you will write a letter to Senate John Edwards about the importance of the rainforest.

-As a group you will create a mural that represents rainforest habitats.

-As a group you will present your information to the class.

-As a group you will find a song or lyrics to a song that you and your group will put with your presentation.

The Process

This section will tell you how to research your area so you can help Skydiver Sam survive in the rainforest.  There are five roles:  rainforest expert, zoologist, botanist, ethnographer, and meteorologist.  Each member in the group is responsible for finding out information about their area.  There are websites and questions to help each person become an expert on their topic.

(Role 1)Rainforest Expert:  This is someone that knows a lot of general information about rainforests.

Role 2) Zoologist:  This is someone that knows a lot about the animals that are in the rainforest, how they survive, and why they are important.

Role 3) Botanist: The Plant Expert studies all of the different plants found in the rainforest and learns what they are used for, and why they are important.

Role 4) Ethnographer: An expert on the native tribes found in the rainforest, and studies their habits, lives, and culture.

Role 5) Meteorologist: An expert on weather and weather patterns that effect the rainforest.









Individual assement:
You have viewed the web sites provided and answered the questions completely by using critical thinking skills.


You have visited the web sites.
You have visited the web sites and attempted to answer all the questions correctly.
You have visited the web sites and answered all the questions correctly.
You have visited the web sites and and answered all questions correctly using critical thinking skills.
Individual assement:
You have written your information into a letter to Senator John Edwards. In the paper you have used proper grammar skills.
You have written a letter to Senator John Edwards using very little to no information with poor grammar.
You have written a letter to Senator John Edwards using some of the information that you have learned with several grammatical errors .
You have written a letter to Senator John Edwards using the information that you learned with few grammatical errors.
You have written a letter to Senator John Edwards using the information that you learned and displaying proper grammar.
Group Assement:
As a group you have presented your information and findings to the class and also provided a puzzle from puzzlemaker.


You have presented the class with a puzzle with out the information.
You have presented the class with the information that your group has found with no puzzle .
You have presented the information your group has found to the class and presented the class with a puzzle .
You have thoroughly presented the information your group has found to the class and presented the class with a puzzle.
Group Assement:
As a group you have created a visual for your presentation.


You have created a mural but it doesn't completely represent the habitats of the rainforest.
You have created a mural that represents some of the  habitats of the rainforest.
You have created a mural that will properly represents the habitats of the rainforest.
You have created a  mural that will properly and creatively represent the habitats of the rainforest .
Group Assement:
As a group you have found a song or lyrics to a song useful for your presentation.
You have found a song but it doesn't correspond with the rainforest.
You have found a song that somewhat represents the rainforest.
You have found a song that represents the rainforest.
You have found a song that is creative and completely represents the rainforest.


You did it!  You rescued Skydiver Sam from the rainforest.  Now you have learned a lot about the rainforest and have become an expert in your field.  The skills you learned while completing this project will be very helpful to you and so will your ability to work in a group.  Because of your findings, the information you gathered got Skydiver Sam back to his home.  He wanted me to give you a special thanks for your accomplishments.  He was also pleased that you were concerned about the destruction of the rainforest.  He told me to tell you that he was proud of you for making a stand and writing a letter to Senator John Edwards.  You are truly Rainforest Rescuers!  Way to go!

Do not stop your research on rainforests just because this project is over.  I encourage you to continue learning about the rainforest.  Ask your teacher how to find out some more information about the rainforest.

Credits & References

















Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page